Knower of all things, Sherlock Holmes of the studio, our right hand and sometime left too! Kristian (Kris-Tee-Ann) our studio production manager for the past 6 years is leaving soon because for the second time in as many years she is knocked up! Can’t say we blame her. Her first child turned out pretty good so why not try it again, right? So we have once again set out on the dubious task of finding a worthy replacement during her absence. This person must be able to put clients at ease with a gentle charm, look great in PPE, be courteous and detailed and use the word “delicious” frequently. They should have an appreciation for beauty in all forms and find the best in everyone. A certain M*A*S*H “Radar-esque” quality wouldn’t hurt either.
Kristian, this blog’s for you and all the great things you do! AND If anyone out there thinks they are a suitable candidate for the job please contact us ASAP email at
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